Jill Teo
Update: This business has ceased its operations.

The name of this restaurant is an obvious play on the popular Dragon-I chain restaurants. At least, Dragon-Y is not attempting to emulate similar dishes such as Shanghai dumplings of Shanghai ramen.

Located at the Suntech building facing the wet market, Dragon-Y mostly focuses on simpler rice and noodle dishes. The restaurant layout is rather awkward because it is rather narrow and the main dining area is upstairs.

There was a lunch set menu with several selections. I decided to try the Pork Noodles Soup. The serving is quite large, but the taste leaves much room for improvement. For one, the soup is way too salty. The lean meat is also too tough and tasteless. Perhaps the pork was not boiled long enough for the soup (which is too salty) to penetrate.

The set meal comes with a drink (which I chose soy milk) and dessert, both which are unimpressive.

Unless the proprietor improves the recipe, I am reluctant to return again!