Jill Teo

Myeong Dong

Update: This business has ceased its operations.

Encouraged by the pleasant meal previously, I revisited Myeong Dong Korean Snacks (명동) in Gurney Plaza to get another fix of the delightful Almond Egg Muffin.

Once again, the Almond Egg Muffin (계란빵, RM12.00) is served in a box of three.

Although I still love the nice muffin pastry, I find that the eggs in between are not as pleasant as the previous visit. It seems that the eggs are overdone, therefore appear disjoint and does not “meld” well with the muffin. It is akin to a sunny-side-up egg simply tucked between two pieces of muffin. I think a slightly less done egg will work better because it is still slightly runny and can seep into the muffin pastry.

For the Korean Malt Tea (차, RM3.90), it is still nice because the malt flavor is still present and not overwhelmed by artificial sweetness.