Jill Teo

The Nest Chicken Rice

There is a food center in the middle of the low-cost flats near Jalan Tengah in Bayan Baru. The premises and dining tables are owned by a handful of coffee shops, while the stalls along the side provide the bulk of food preparation.

The Nest Chicken Rice is a chicken rice stall near Selera Sim coffee shop. It is one of the most popular stalls in this area. The food here is not the “chicken rice” in its traditional sense. Instead, the menu mainly consists of chicken chop rice dishes.

I ordered the Special Set (RM7.50) which includes most of the available ingredients. The Nest Chicken Rice is a self-service eatery, so you need to order and collect the food at the stall itself.

The highlight of the Special Set is the spicy breast meat chicken. The breast fillet is deep-fried with batter until it turns golden brown. The batter contains some spices, so the chicken can be a bit pungent.

The side dishes are the fish fritters and sausage. Actually, this set meal is supposed to include a chicken meat roll but it is unavailable today. Therefore it is substituted with an extra piece of fish fritter.

The fish fritters are crispy on the outside while the dory fillets inside are reasonably nice. The sausage is just a regular one cut into a fancy shape before frying.

As for the rice, it is flavored with some brown sauce to make it mildly sweet. The Thai chili sauce (in a small disposable saucer) goes well with the chicken and rice.

The set meal includes a bowl of chicken soup with some goji berries.