Jill Teo

Waku Waku

Update: This business has ceased its operations.

Waku Waku Contemporary Japanese Dining (ワクワク) is located on the third floor of Mid Valley Megamall. This eatery faces the central atrium and is directly across the Mid Valley Exhibition Centre.

The name “waku waku” means “exciting” in Japanese. This restaurant specializes in teishoku (定食), which the Japanese way of saying “set meal”. A closer inspection of the menu reveals that Waku Waku is operated by Miraku, the sister company of Sushi King (すし金).

Our first set meal is the Sushi & Tempura Set (寿司と天麩羅定食, RM24.90). This is a meal of assorted sushi and tempura served with appetizers, chawanmushi, soup and rice.

This assortment of sushi pieces comprises of six different types of nigiri (握り) plus a small serving of maki (巻き).

The six nigiri toppings are salmon (サーモン), tuna (マグロ), shrimp (海老), crab stick (カニカマ), octopus (イイダコ) and freshwater eel (鰻). The maki uses a cucumber strip as core. I think the ingredients used are remarkably fresh, although honestly I expected nothing less since this is the sister restaurant of Sushi King.

The platter of tempura (天麩羅) is an assortment of prawns and several vegetables which are deep-fried with light coating of batter. The tempura is not too soggy because the wok of oil is sufficiently hot. The prawns are quite large and we find them very succulent due to their freshness.

Tempura is typically consumed with light soy sauce. Nevertheless, we generally prefer to enjoy the original flavor of tempura without using any condiments.

The soup which comes with this set meal is miso soup (味噌汁). The soup’s saltiness serves to expand our appetite before the meal. The bowl of chawanmushi (茶碗蒸し) or steamed egg is also quite delectable.

All items from the teishoku menu includes two appetizers which vary from day to day. Today’s appetizers are deep-fried salmon skin, and bean sprouts with squid.

Our teishoku meal is the Salmon Butter Rice (サーモンバターライス, RM16.90). Grilled salmon fillet is served over steamed rice in a hot pot, alongside several sides comprising of miso soup, chawanmushi, appetizers and a glass of green tea (お茶).

The piece of salmon steak is flavored with delightful herb butter and minced chicken, making the fish fillet a lovely treat despite its unassuming appearance. The salmon is grilled just perfectly to seal its juicy goodness and retain its smooth texture inside. This is certainly a meal not to be missed.

Each teishoku meal unlocks a list of add-ons at affordable prices. Self-proclaimed salmon addicts like us opted for the Mini Salmon Sashimi (ミニサーモン刺身, RM3.90) in a heartbeat. Three reasonably-thick slices of raw salmon are cut fresh for our ultimate enjoyment. A small portion of grated daikon (大根) or white radish serves to keep the salmon fresh and moist.

Customers also have access to free flow ice cream from a self-service machine. Wafer-style cones are provided, while soft-serve ice cream flavors are vanilla and chocolate. One can also have both flavors mixed in a twist.

The quality of food at Waku Waku is beyond expectation, yet the pricing is reasonably affordable. Of special mention is the friendly waiting staff who served us well. When the manager caught wind that today is the birthday of my special guest, he gladly marked off one set meal from the bill to our immense surprise.

Since Waku Waku does not advertise to offer free birthday meals, I do not wish this post to set precedence. However, I must highlight how customer-oriented the management is. This is the spirit which every F&B business should emulate.