Jill Teo

Kedai Kopi Hai Pin

Special thanks to Kedai Kopi Hai Pin for extending this food review invitation.

Kuala Sungai Pinang is a charming fishing village on the western coast of Penang Island. At the heart of the town are wooden shops that have been serving the local community for many decades.

Kedai Kopi Hai Pin (海滨茶室) is one of the popular daytime eateries in town. Several generations of townsfolk have had their coffee being poured here. On Sundays, there is also a Laksa (叻沙) stall which operates from 10:00am to 2:00pm.

The broth for Laksa is made from mackerel and is cooked overnight. As Kuala Sungai Pinang is a fishing village, fresh fish is provided from local fishermen. The stall prepares approximately 80 bowls’ worth of broth. Considering the fact that local townspeople typically order several bowls at a time, it is not surprising that Laksa is often sold out well before 2:00pm.

Besides mackerel broth, other ingredients used for Laksa are lettuce (生菜), bird’s eye chili (小辣椒), ginger flower (姜花), onions (洋葱), pineapples (黄梨), cucumber (黄瓜) and mint (薄荷).

As not everyone agrees that shrimp paste (虾膏) has a rightful place in Laksa, it is provided separately in the spoon. Shrimp paste is also sourced from a home-based supplier nearby. This small bowl is priced at RM3.50 and can be upgraded to a large bowl for RM0.50 more.

Overall, the mackerel broth is not as thick as other stalls, but is enjoyable nevertheless. The inclusion of shrimp paste really helps to accentuate the savoriness of the broth. As per tradition, thick rice vermicelli (粗米粉) is used for Laksa.

Besides the standard serving, customers may also enjoy Laksa with shrimps that have been caught fresh in the morning.

The shrimps come in several sizes and are charged by weight. The shrimps are destined to be sold at the local market or to seafood restaurants later.

Meanwhile, the coffee shop’s menu includes hot and cold drinks that Malaysians are fond of.

My personal choice to start the morning is a hot cup of Kopi Susu (咖啡, RM1.20). If it were not for the heavy downpour shortly afterwards, I would have taken the opportunity to explore the surrounding countryside of this serene fishing village.

Name: Kedai Kopi Hai Pin (海滨茶室)
Address: 56B, MKB Kuala Sungai Pinang, 11010 Balik Pulau, Pulau Pinang
Contact: 04-866-1851
Business hours: 10:00am-2:00pm (Sundays)
Website: Click here
Coordinates: 5.39339 N, 100.20057 E
Directions: From Jalan Sungai Rusa between Balik Pulau and Teluk Bahang, turn westward towards Kuala Sungai Pinang. Shortly after the entrance arch of the village, Kedai Kopi Hai Pin is located on the right near a small bridge. Unlike urban areas, parking rules are very lax in the countryside. Parking anywhere is fine as long as one does not block the way of others.