JillTeo – Jill Teo https://jillteo.com Mon, 04 Dec 2023 15:02:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 175134156 Testing https://jillteo.com/2023/12/testing/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=testing Fri, 01 Dec 2023 05:33:14 +0000 https://jillteo.com/?p=23219 23219 槟城的香格里拉 Rasa Sayang ~ 环境篇 https://jillteo.com/2020/06/%e6%a7%9f%e5%9f%8e%e7%9a%84%e9%a6%99%e6%a0%bc%e9%87%8c%e6%8b%89-rasa-sayang/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=%25e6%25a7%259f%25e5%259f%258e%25e7%259a%2584%25e9%25a6%2599%25e6%25a0%25bc%25e9%2587%258c%25e6%258b%2589-rasa-sayang Mon, 08 Jun 2020 16:17:33 +0000 https://jillteo.com/?p=104 一向来我对香格里拉的酒店/度假村系列都情有独钟,除了是因为服务/设施水准超高之外,还有就是出自于对于郭伯伯 (郭鹤年 Robert Kuok) 的尊敬。去过好多间的香格里拉度假村,今天我要来介绍的是位于槟城 Penang, Batu Ferringhi 的Shangri-La’s Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa 。

创始于 1973 年, 这家五星级度假村是香格里拉酒店/度假村系列里的先锋呢!
大厅的布置离不开本土特色,举目所见皆是东南亚的风土人情。上图所示为马来民族乐器 Gamelan。

Shangri-La’s Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa 分成 Garden Wing (花园翼) 和 Rasa Wing (拉莎翼)。整个度假村超过 300 间的客房可以满足各位客官的各种需求。让我先来介绍 Garden Wing (花园翼)。

看到那个尖锥的盖子?这就是马来西亚的特色,拿来介绍给国外朋友最是特别了。对了,盖子里面放的是本地人爱吃的甜品 ~ 萨其马




炼奶餐包 https://jillteo.com/2020/04/%e7%82%bc%e5%a5%b6%e9%a4%90%e5%8c%85/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=%25e7%2582%25bc%25e5%25a5%25b6%25e9%25a4%2590%25e5%258c%2585 Sun, 19 Apr 2020 03:25:03 +0000 https://jillteo.com/?p=80 今天做了炼奶餐包! 大家请忽略那面包之间的小凸点啊!
纯粹因为个人在为面包整型的时候不拘小节… XD

器具: SKG 面包机,土司模
牛奶 70 ml (冷)
炼奶 35 g (冷)
鸡蛋 1 粒 (大概50 g)
奶粉 5g
高筋面粉 200g
酵母 2g

1. 把全部液体材料放进面包桶
2. 把高筋面粉放进面包桶,挖个洞把酵母放在在面粉中间,用高筋面粉盖上
3. 启动 SKG 面包机 11号程式,进行45 分钟的揉面
4. 好了之后就取出面团,稍微整好,放在碗里发酵至少 1.5 倍大 (大约一小时)
5. 取出面团排气,再整成造型。再让面团发酵至少 1.5 倍大
6. 放进烘炉,烘焙温度为摄氏170度,时间 20分钟。

1. 这次的成品没有筋膜,还是很好吃,所以别瞎操心了啊
2. 发酵的时候,我是放进烘炉里(不开机),旁边放杯热水,然后关门让面团自闭 XD


Soleil ~ 就是品酒 https://jillteo.com/2020/04/soleil/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=soleil Sun, 12 Apr 2020 13:46:41 +0000 https://jillteo.com/?p=59

Damansara City Mall 的 Soleil Restaurant & Wine Bar 是个获奖无数的的餐厅,餐厅名字寓意为法文里的 “太阳”。今天这家餐厅邀请了我们过来品尝二月份的 Wine Dinner。顾名思义,这顿饭就是以酒为主题,再利用各式菜品让大家喝出这不同酒的风味。不管是不是红酒爱好者的你,不妨接着往下读。不为什么,只因为这家卖的是喝红酒的艺术。


第一杯酒是来自Bordeaux 波尔多2016 年份的 Château de Hartes 阿尔特酒庄红葡萄酒。
与之搭配的菜式为Duck Pâté [Beetroot, Truffle Dressing] , 就是鸭肝酱,再以甜菜根&松露点缀。


第二杯端上来的 2015 年份红酒是 来自Montagne-Saint-Émilion 的 Château Corbin 高尔班堡。这杯的酒就比较开始来劲了。
配搭的是 Charred Mackerel [Escabeche, Lightly Pickled Vegetables]。烤好的鲭鱼放在带酸劲的配汁里,加上少许的腌菜。这样的菜品,着实带有味道冲击的效果,让人的味蕾醒过来,开始接受更浓郁的酒。



第三杯酒上来了,是 2015 年份,来自Pessac-Leognan 的 Les Demoiselles de Larrivet Haut-Brion hails 红酒。Chef Evert 为我们准备了Pumpkin & Ricotta Gnocchi [Baby Spinach, Eryngii Mushroom, Pecorino]。这道南瓜奶酪意大利面疙瘩,配上少许的波菜和菇类,再撒上奶酪。


喝了你喜欢的,再来买一支回去,不亦乐乎?这一次的品酒,五杯美酒,加上五项佳肴,个人价为 RM 330++。


第四杯就是 2015 年份 the Margaux appellation of Bordeaux 的 K de Kirwan。在这里终于看到熟悉的牛肉了!说真的,这杯酒真的有厚度了,也开始尝到一些葡萄酒的独有皮涩味。

在这里呈献的是 Beef Short Rib [Fennel, Black Olive, Capers, Piquillo Pepper] 牛小排配以茴香/黑橄榄/酸豆/西班牙紅椒。这个牛小排炖煮的软烂,入口即化。如果非要挑个缺点,大概就是牛骚味都融化了吧~ 吃着这肉陪着这酒,突然也不觉得厚涩了。果然好酒还须配好菜啊!


高潮来了啊~ 2012 年份来自于Saint Estèphe 的葡萄制酿出了今晚的压轴酒 Château Tronquoy-Lalandehe.
毫无意外的,这款酒的菜品就是炖羊颈肉,佐菜有红豆/灰胡桃南瓜/陈年高达奶酪 Slow-Cooked Lamb Neck [Organic red beans, Butternut squash and Aged Gouda cheese]。





餐厅名称: Soleil Restaurant & Wine Bar
地址: Lot 7 & 8, DC Mall, Damansara City, Jalan Damanlela, 50490 Kuala Lumpur
联络号码: 03-2011-8261
营业时间: 10:00am-10:30pm (Monday-Friday), 9:00am-10:30pm (Saturday-Sunday)
网站: http://www.soleil.my
地理坐标: 3.14625 N, 101.66172 E
怎么过去: Damansara City Mall (DC Mall) 是位于 Damansara Heightss 的一间商场。Soleil 就在 DC Mall 的二楼,泊车在DC Mall 底层就行了。

福建南安 之 古早风味小吃 https://jillteo.com/2020/04/fu-jian-nan-an-food/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fu-jian-nan-an-food Sat, 04 Apr 2020 09:55:09 +0000 http://jillteo.com/?p=50 没错,这里要介绍的就是来自于中国福建省的南安特色小吃。当然,来到了马来西亚,风味自然是有所调整了,这里介绍的可能不全是正宗口味的哦!


这一篇的资料是整合了我个人经验与地方会馆的文献而成。看官们,一起来看看吧! ]]>
Two Pesos https://jillteo.com/2020/03/two-pesos/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=two-pesos Thu, 12 Mar 2020 13:00:00 +0000 https://jillteo.com/2020/03/two-pesos/ Two Pesos (两披索靓汤) is a famous hot pot restaurant in SS2, Petaling Jaya. Customers often have to wait in long queues during peak hours.

Originating in Taiwan, the restaurant’s name reflects the fact that the two founders first met in the Philippines. Two Pesos claims to be the most popular hot pot restaurant chain in Taiwan.

Sacha Value Pot (沙茶经济锅, RM14.90) comes with pork, fried fish, fishcakes, crab sticks, tofu, mushrooms and vegetables. The soup is prepared from sacha paste (沙茶酱), which contains peanuts, dried shrimps, fish, garlic and shallots. The soup has a savory taste with mild spiciness. Soup refill is free of charge.

Next, Milky Seafood Pot (牛奶海鲜锅, RM22.80) contains fresh milk. This makes the soup tasty to the very last drop. Seafood ingredients included in the meal are fish, prawns, squids and clams. Meatballs, fishcakes, tofu, mushrooms and vegetables are provided too.

For each serving of hot pot, customers can choose between rice and noodle. One can also opt for Braised Pork Rice (卤肉饭) for RM3.90 extra. Meanwhile, recommended dipping sauces for hot pots are sacha paste, bean paste (豆辣酱) and chili sauce (辣椒酱).

We placed an order of Taiwanese Crispy Chicken (香脆盐酥鸡, RM8.90). The snack is deep-fried with a crispy coating made from flour, salt, sugar, pepper and chili powder. The bite-size chicken pieces come with fried basil leaves, pickled vegetables and chili sauce.

The food taste at Two Pesos is remarkably good. We look forward to tasting the Two Pesos Stone Pot (两披索石头锅) and Two Pesos BBQ Pot (双舞烧烤锅) during our next visit!

Address: 7, Jalan SS 2/67, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Contact: 03-7865-2072
Business hours: 12:00pm-11:00pm

403 3.1185929 101.6229637 3.1185929 101.6229637
Oceania https://jillteo.com/2020/03/oceania/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=oceania Fri, 06 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000 https://jillteo.com/2020/03/oceania/ This article is part of my Ramadan 2020 compilation.

Special thanks to Summit Hotel Subang USJ for extending this food review invitation.

Summit Hotel Subang USJ is the next hotel to reveal its Ramadan buffet menu. The actual Warna Warni Ramadhan buffet dinners will be held at Oceania Buffet Restaurant. But for this evening, the preview event is held at the Grand Ballroom instead.

Malay appetizers typically include ulam-ulaman such as jantung pisang, ulam raja and daun pegaga. These raw vegetables are often eaten with condiments like budu and cincalok. As for kerabu (Malay salad), there are kerabu tanghoon, kerabu taugeh, kerabu kerang and more.

Nasi Briyani Gam Johor uses long-grain basmati rice. Basmati rice has a lighter texture and is not as starchy as jasmine rice. The rice is cooked with meat and a variety of spices.

Kari Kepala Ikan is a spicy curry dish that features deep-fried salmon heads. Apart from the fact that salmon heads do not have much meat, this dish is quite appealing. As for poultry, go for Gulai Ayam Cili Merah.

Ikan Bakar Kasturi Bersama Sos Tangkap Nangis is served with sambal kicap (spicy soy sauce) and air asam (tamarind sauce). And if you want something spicier, Daging Salai Masak Lemak Cili Api is a good choice for you.

Tulang Rusuk Bakar Dengan Sos Meletup Pedas is another interesting choice if you take beef. Meanwhile if you are fond of sea snails, go for Siput Sedut Masak Lemak Dengan Ubi Keladi.

Kambing Golek is served with roasted vegetables and condiments like black pepper and mushroom sauces. Make sure you get your helping early because the mutton depletes rapidly.

Popiah Basah is prepared at one of the many à la minute stations. The snack comprises of thin crêpes filled with sengkuang (jicama), omelettes, bean sprouts, peanuts, vegetables and sweet sauce.

The Goreng-Goreng station serves crispy fritters made of vegetables and anchovies. It is advisable to consume these fritters while they are still hot from the fryer.

Murtabak is filled with spiced chicken and fried on a griddle. The flatbread is customarily eaten with curry and pickled onions.

As for Western cuisine, the buffet line includes a counter that serves roast beef, grilled chicken, pasta, sandwiches, bruschetta and more.

Moving to the dessert counter, there are several types of cakes, mousses and French pastries. Of course, an iftar meal must include assorted Malay kuih and sweet soups like pengat pisang (banana & coconut milk soup) and bubur kacang hijau (mung bean soup).

Summit Hotel’s Warna Warni Ramadhan buffet dinner will be served every evening from 27 April 2020 to 22 May 2020. The standard price is RM88.00 net for adults and RM40.00 net for children. For every 5 paying customers, the next person’s meal is on the house! Also for a limited time, adult vouchers are on sale for RM68.00 net only.

Name: Oceania Buffet Restaurant
Address: Summit Hotel, Persiaran Kewajipan, USJ 1, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor
Contact: 03-8023-3000
Business hours: 7:00am-10:30am, 12:00pm-2:30pm (Monday-Friday), 12:00pm-4:00pm (Saturday-Sunday)
Website: http://www.summithotelusj.com/dining.html
Coordinates: 3.05935 N, 101.59276 E
Directions: Summit Hotel Subang USJ is located near the intersection of Persiaran Kewajipan and Shah Alam Expressway (KESAS). The hotel shares the building with Summit USJ, a shopping mall. Oceania Buffet Restaurant is a restaurant next to the hotel lobby. The hotel has car parks in the basement levels.

404 3.0593661 101.5927691 3.0593661 101.5927691
Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur https://jillteo.com/2020/03/royale-chulan-kuala-lumpur/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=royale-chulan-kuala-lumpur Mon, 02 Mar 2020 05:00:00 +0000 https://jillteo.com/2020/03/royale-chulan-kuala-lumpur/ This article is part of my Ramadan 2020 compilation.

Special thanks to Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur for extending this food review invitation.

Despite having visited Royale Chulan Penang on multiple occasions, this is our first visit to Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur. As the flagship property of Royale Chulan Hotels & Resorts, this 5-star hotel awes arriving guests with its majestic grandeur.

Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur is home to several fine restaurants. For instance, the award-winning Bunga Emas Restaurant serves Malay cuisine in a fine-dining setting. Today, Bunga Emas Restaurant serves as the venue of the Citarasa Nusantara 2020 media preview. The actual buffets during Ramadan will be served at Taman Mahsuri Courtyard instead.

Royale Chulan is expecting a daily turnout of over 1,000 people during Ramadan. Therefore, the hotel will be serving more than 10 whole goats for Kambing Golek every day. For the purpose of today’s preview, only a leg is prepared.

Otak-Otak Wellington is essentially otak-otak (spicy snack made of ground fish and tapioca) wrapped in puff pastry. Although not my personal favorite, this fusion dish is intriguing nevertheless.

Nasi Lemak Viral is back by popular demand. The coconut-infused rice is served with chicken curry and sambal telur puyuh (chili paste with quail eggs). The sambal is well prepared indeed.

Bihun Sup Utara is a popular dish from the northern state of Kedah. The rich soup is prepared from beef and spices, making it is tasty to the last drop. Bihun Sup Utara is served with yellow rice vermicelli, diced beef, beef tendon and tofu.

Lontong Samudera is an Indonesian dish of rice cakes with a creamy broth called soto. The dish typically comes with hard-boiled eggs and serunding kelapa (shredded coconut).

Ful was originally from the Middle East but it is now widely enjoyed in Johor. The stew is a mixture of ground meat and broad beans. Royale Chulan’s Kacang Pool Wak Seman is served with scrambled eggs and bread.

Moving to Cucur-Cucur, diners may savor deep-fried food items like soft shell crabs, cucur udang (prawn fritters) and cucur jagung (corn fritters).

The kerabu section has an interesting assortment of Malay-style salads. Notable choices are kerabu daging (beef salad), kerabu ayam (chicken salad), kerabu sotong (squid salad), kerabu mangga (mango salad) and kerabu kacang botol (winged bean salad).

Interestingly, the buffet has a Lok Lok section with more than a dozen types of yong tau foo to choose from. Food is cooked by blanching in boiling water for several minutes.

And finally for desserts, delight your palate with sweet confections like fruit jellies, mousses, puddings, Malay kuih and Western pastries. As for durian lovers, Serawa Durian is prepared.

Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur serves Citarasa Nusantara 2020 every evening from 25 April 2020 to 23 May 2020. The full menu covers more than 1,000 ingredients, including over 150 items for ais kacang alone. Customers can take advantage of early bird prices from now until 19 April 2020.

Name: Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur
Address: 5, Jalan Conlay, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Contact: 03-2688-9639
Business hours: 7:00pm-10:00pm
Website: https://www.royalechulan.com/kualalumpur
Coordinates: 3.14929 N, 101.71700 E
Directions: Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur is situated at Jalan Conlay, near the road’s intersection with Jalan Stonor. Citarasa Nusantara 2020 is served at Taman Mahsuri Courtyard. Dining customers can get their parking tickets validated to get flat parking rate of RM10.00 per entry.

407 3.1493732 101.7170042 3.1493732 101.7170042
Soleil https://jillteo.com/2020/02/soleil-2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=soleil-2 Sat, 29 Feb 2020 12:00:00 +0000 https://jillteo.com/2020/02/soleil-2/ Special thanks to Soleil Restaurant & Wine Bar for extending this food review invitation.

Soleil Restaurant & Wine Bar is an award-winning restaurant in Damansara City Mall. Meaning “sun” in French, Soleil specializes in European cuisine complemented by a large collection of wines. Soleil is not only patronized by wine connoisseurs, but also an ideal place for anybody who appreciates gastronomy.

Chef Evert Onderbeke takes helm of the kitchen. Hailing from Belgium, his area of expertise is contemporary European cuisine integrated with Asian elements. Chef Evert favors a hands-on approach to food preparation, going so far as to make pasta and bread from scratch. The Chef’s Table allows diners to watch Chef Evert and his team in action.

For diners who prefer some privacy, Soleil has a section of the dining area that can be cordoned off for private dining. Against the wall is an image of Château de Chambord, one of the most recognizable châteaux in France.

Soleil has a walk-in wine cellar stocked with over 200 wine labels, each of which are personally handpicked by Soleil’s resident sommelier. French wines are overwhelmingly popular among regulars. In addition, the restaurant also carries Belgian beer, gluten-free beer, hard liquors and more.

Soleil takes an entirely different approach to its wine dégustation experience. Instead of crafting the food menu from scratch and then working out the right wine to pair with each dish, Soleil does things the other way round. Diners are taken on a culinary to taste the best wines Soleil has to offer, whereas the selection of food serves to complement the qualities of each wine.

The first glass of wine is 2016 Château de Hartes from Bordeaux. The wine is soft on the palate and has subtle notes of strawberry. It is paired with Duck Pâté with beetroot sauce and truffle dressing.

Next in line is 2015 Château Corbin from Montagne-Saint-Émilion, one of the sub-appellation satellites of Saint-Émilion. This is the point when the wine starts to build up strength. Complementing the wine is Charred Mackerel that comes with tangy escabeche and pickled vegetables on the side.

2015 Les Demoiselles de Larrivet Haut-Brion hails from Pessac-Leognan, a wine appellation in the Graves region of Bordeaux. To savor this medium body wine, Chef Evert has prepared Pumpkin & Ricotta Gnocchi with baby spinach, eryngii mushrooms and pecorino cheese.

Moving on, 2015 K de Kirwan comes from the Margaux appellation of Bordeaux. The red wine conveys earthy and berry flavors. The corresponding dish is Beef Short Rib served with fennel, black olives, capers and piquillo pepper.

Building to the climax, 2012 Château Tronquoy-Lalande serves as the ultimate wine this evening. Harvested from vineyards of Saint Estèphe, the grapes produce a wine that complements red meat such as Slow-Cooked Lamb Neck. Cooked in its own fat, the scrumptious delicacy comes with organic red beans, butternut squash and aged Gouda cheese.

Tonight’s 5-course wine dégustation menu is priced at RM330.00++ per person. Considering Soleil’s refined ambience and impeccable table service, the price is very affordable to people who appreciate fine wines. In fact, Soleil aims to make quality wines more accessible to the average customer.

Name: Soleil Restaurant & Wine Bar
Address: Lot 7 & 8, DC Mall, Damansara City, Jalan Damanlela, 50490 Kuala Lumpur
Contact: 03-2011-8261
Business hours: 10:00am-10:30pm (Monday-Friday), 9:00am-10:30pm (Saturday-Sunday)
Website: http://www.soleil.my
Coordinates: 3.14625 N, 101.66172 E
Directions: Damansara City Mall (DC Mall) is a shopping mall at Damansara Heights. Soleil is located at Level 2 of the mall. DC Mall has parking spaces in its basement levels.

408 3.1462888 101.6617118 3.1462888 101.6617118
7686 Choy Kor Homecook Recipes https://jillteo.com/2020/02/7686-choy-kor-homecook-recipes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=7686-choy-kor-homecook-recipes Wed, 19 Feb 2020 07:00:00 +0000 https://jillteo.com/2020/02/7686-choy-kor-homecook-recipes/ Special thanks to 7686 Choy Kor Homecook Recipes for extending this food review invitation.

Neighbourhood Foodcourt (好街坊美食中心) is a 24-hour food court at Dataran Sunway. The eatery has around a dozen stalls selling a variety of hawker dishes. Shaded by trees, the food court’s open-air concept takes advantage of cooling breeze in the evening.

7686 Choy Kor Homecook Recipes (7686财哥住家菜) is one of the tenants in this food court. The stall is run by a couple who is passionate about food. The family business used to operate a shop at Damansara Perdana until late last year. As the name implies, 7686 Choy Kor Homecook Recipes serves dishes that are based on their parents’ home recipes.

Yellow Wine Chicken Soup (黄酒鸡汤, RM10.00) is one of the most popular dishes in this stall, and is certainly my personal favorite. The soup contains chunks of chicken that were pre-cooked with sesame oil. Another crucial ingredient is homemade rice wine, which is sweet and does not have any bitter aftertaste. One unique aspect of this dish is the addition of a fried egg!

Sam Kan Chong Pork Ball Noodle (三间庄猪肉粉, RM7.00) was popularized by a stall in Petaling Street (茨厂街) several decades ago. The appeal of this dish revolves around pork meatballs, which are springy and succulent. Also present are Chinese barbecue sausages (烧肠), pork lard (猪油渣), minced pork and spring onions. The soup is boiled with pork bones for several hours, making it tasty to the last drop.

Pan Mee (板面, RM8.00) is another bestselling dish. It is easy for me to understand why: both the noodle and the soup strike a chord with my palate. The amount of ingredients is plentiful too. There are pork slices, meatballs, sweet leaves (马尼菜), fried anchovies and fried shallots. And if you have an affinity for spicy food, the homemade chili sauce packs a powerful punch. You have been warned!

Claypot Loh Si Fun (瓦煲老鼠粉, RM8.00) is cooked in classic Hokkien Char (福建炒) style, albeit using a different type of noodle. The dish comes with a large slab of roast pork (烧肉) paired with sweet-and-savory sauce. Meanwhile, the egg is meant to be “cooked” by mixing the claypot’s contents while it is scorching hot. With so many ingredients in the mix, this dish offers great value for money!

If you prefer a noodle dish with soup, Claypot Yee Mee (瓦煲伊面, RM8.00) is a better choice for you. Despite the fact that yee mee is used, the soup does not taste too salty. Other key ingredients are meatballs, minced pork, pork lard, fried tofu skin (炸腐竹), fried shallots, spring onions and egg.

The next dish on the menu is Claypot Chicken Rice (瓦煲鸡饭, RM10.00). Unlike those served by other stalls, the rice is pre-cooked and then finished in the claypot. This explains why the rice is not as “toasty” as expected. The dish contains a generous amount of chicken, which is marinated rather well. Other ingredients that contribute to the overall flavor are smoked Chinese sausages (腊肠) (sweet), mushrooms (savory), salted fish (salty) and ginger slivers (pungent).

Ipoh Hor Fun (怡保河粉, RM8.00) is meant for customers with lighter palates. The recipe is inherited from a popular stall in Ipoh. In this dish, rice noodle is served in clear soup alongside shredded chicken, bean sprouts and shrimp. Spring onions, garlic chives and fried shallots serve to enhance the soup’s aroma.

Last but not least, Pork Noodle (猪肉粉, RM8.00) uses a mixture of yellow noodle (黄面) and rice vermicelli (米粉). Pork Noodle uses the same soup as Sam Kan Chong Pork Ball Noodle, but the ingredients are quite different. The former contains sliced pork, meatballs, pork liver, pork intestine, pork lard and choy sum (菜心). Given the amount of ingredients, the bowl of Pork Noodle is worth every sen.

In summary, the dishes at 7686 Choy Kor Homecook Recipes are generally up to the mark. The proprietors clearly expended a great deal of effort in fine-tuning the recipes. In addition, the dishes here are reasonably priced when compared to similar stalls in Kota Damansara. 7686 Choy Kor Homecook Recipes also does food delivery (through third-party services) and food catering upon request. Payment can be made through major e-wallets.

Name: 7686 Choy Kor Homecook Recipes (7686财哥住家菜)
Address: Central Park East Wing, Jalan PJU 5/7, Dataran Sunway, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Contact: 012-682-6086
Business hours: 8:30am-10:30pm, closed on alternate Wednesdays
Website: https://www.facebook.com/7686kopitiam
Coordinates: 3.15219 N, 101.59398 E
Directions: Neighbourhood Foodcourt (好街坊美食中心) is situated at the center of Dataran Sunway. 7686 Choy Kor Homecook Recipes is a stall next to the central stage. Roadside parking is available. Alternatively, customers may park at the multi-storey car park next to the food court. The parking rate is RM1.00 for the first 2 hours.

414 3.152184 101.5939836 3.152184 101.5939836